Vista is the new Microsoft operating system on the market. It has been suggested to wait until the "bugs" have been corrected in Vista before purchasing and installing. At the February general meeting Ms. Morningtstar of "Pen Pal" demonstrated sending greeting cards from computers through the mail. A demonstration of Vista will be the topic of the next general meeting. The Club will not install Vista for members. To install on older computers is a long and complicated process. Members will be advised to have installation done by outside vendors. The Computer Center has a new display holder for all of the forms previously taking space on the front desk. Chuck Howard reported that his new helper is Jerry Geller. Evert Makinen, one of our new volunteers, will help out at the Computer Center and will be teaching our Internet and E-mail classes. GRF has installed four new WIFI installation at various administration locations. Marie suggested the Club purchase a third wireless PC for public use, MSP. A new copy machine was purchased to replace the broken and over-worked machine in the Computer Center. A new color printer has been added to the Computer Office. Marie Klos suggests that GRF takeover our cost of
WiFI that's installed in the Computer Center area at Gateway. The General meeting with AT&T was very informative with their promotion of Internet services. Residents attending showed a lot of interest in the program. Pat Van Horn will be a guest on the Rossmoor TV channel promoting the alliance between the school and the Computer Club..Jerry Carleton, our former instructor, reports that since moving to San Diego he is teaching two or three computer classes a week with the Poway Adult School District and tutors. He regrets having had to turn down repeated requests for tutoring in Rossmoor because of the travel time involved.. Volunteer training sessions for the Computer Center are scheduled for July 17 & 18th. Marie will send e-mail invitations to all volunteers. Donna Juergens will chair the August 9th picnic. Prizes of wine, vendor services, gift certificates and a grand prize of a flat screen monitor will add to the festivities.
This year the special luncheon for Computer Club volunteers was held on October 12, 2007. It is an elegant luncheon catered by Hamilton and chaired by Marie Klos for the fourth year. This event is in recognition of the volunteers and their support and dedication to the Club. Our volunteers are a very special group of people who are willing to share their knowledge and help others.
It has been 10 years since this Computer Club became a partner with the Acalanes Adult High School District. This has given us better education opportunities, larger classrooms, space for a Club office and benefits both partners. It has been 10 good years. We look forward to more good years for our benefit and for the benefit of the seniors.